Xhieda ta’ Corinne Vella – 13 ta’ Marzu 2020

Xhieda ta’ Corinne Vella – 13 ta’ Marzu 2020

Differita 28 ta’ Gunju 2006

L-Atti tal-Inkjesta datata 19 ta' Novembru 2019, rigward skont it-Termini ta’ Referenza ta’ l- Inkjesta Pubblika dwar l- Assassinju ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Seduta miżmuma llum it-Gimgha 13 ta’ Marzu 2020, fid-9:30 a.m. fit- Tieni Sular, Awla 20, il-Qorti.

Xhud Corinne Vella ri-prodotta, bil-lingwa Ingliza u bil-gurament taghha tghid :

The Witness :

So this is a quick.. previous time I’ve used .. sources for your information. And all the information is documented, I have used references. I’ve also included supporting articles. Not everything that referred to in the document is also in the dossier; something is just online but they are accessible. What I have done is I’ve looked at in a problems within the situation where financial crime is being fraud. And some cases which have been investigated, there are cases which have not been investigated. I haven’t included all the crimes that Daphne was uncovering. I included 2; basically one is the Panama Papers which is very well documented so I have not included everything here; and the other one was a case involving John Dalli’s daughters and a scan in.. you know, which involved American investor. So what I have done is document the timeline and includes some articles which seen relevant.

I have also included extracts from the Moneyval report. And I have also included information that was released through parliamentary questions. Again, as previously this is not an exhaustive study. It is just an indicator of what I think are problems within financial crime.

Imhallef A Lofaro :

As usual there is a copy I presume?

The Witness :

That’s for you; I’ve got a copy.

Imhallef A Lofaro :

For us, ok. Thank you

Din hija s-sustanza tax-xhieda ta’ Corinne Vella dettata minnha stess fil- prezenza ta’ l-istess xhud.

Niddikjara li traskrivejt bl-ahjar hila tieghi x-xhieda ta’ l-istess xhud.

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