Xhieda ta’ Corinne Vella – 8 ta’ Frar 2021
L-Atti tal-Inkjesta datata 19 ta' Novembru 2019, rigward skont it-Termini ta’ Referenza ta’ l- Inkjesta Pubblika dwar l- Assassinju ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Seduta miżmuma llum it-Tnejn 8 ta’ Frar 2021, fis-2:30 p.m. fit-Tieni Sular, Awla 20, il-Qorti.
Xhud Corinne Vella ri-prodotta, bil-lingwa Ingliza u bil-gurament taghha tghid :
Judge A Lofaro :
The Witness :
So, I prepared a dossier about a website which is called – Taste Your Own Medicine and it was registered at a domain by the same name tasteyourownmedicine.com. There was a parallel site which was tasteyom.com. The first one would redirect to the second on occasion. The website is no longer online. It has the.. but the concept is still available in a web archive including in a link in the dossier. The purpose of the website was declared on its front page; the about section gave it founding principle as – when she stops we stop. It was setup specifically to hares Daphne by going after her and anybody close to her. That meant her husband, her children, her sisters including myself, partner’s husbands, children, our parents and so on. It even extended to people who are identified are being first degree relatives in one particular case a particular individual it’s not a first degree relative even though he has the same surname; and he was targeted as well.
Chairman Judge M Mallia :
How did?
The Witness :
Chairman Judge M Mallia :
How did?
The Witness :
Who did?
Chairman Judge M Mallia :
Who did?
The Witness :
The blog would target all of these people. Anybody connected…. seemed to be connected to Daphne was put up as a target. The people running the blog don’t seem to have been that familiar with the individuals concern because they would have identified this particular person. I don’t wish to mention his name not to make things any worse to him. What have realized that he is not actually Daphne’s son. If you knew Daphne you would know her son’s name …you know somebody by different name is not actually her son. But he was seen as a legitimate target. And the reason he was target is because of.. targeted was because of his sexuality. And sexuality since to have been a big thing with the operators of the blog because they identify Daphne by the name of a person in Italy who goes by the name of Vladimir Luxuria somebody who is transsexual, and this apparently was considered a form of insult and this is the.. ..on him that is used to address Daphne.
The blog was setup in early March 2010. The regestrance name is anonymized. It’s masked; so we don’t know who it was. But it is very clearly aligned to people who were running propaganda campaigns for the Labour Party at the time. We know this because we found out about from post which they put up on facebook. The only people who could have the information so early on the people directly involved. This lasted for a very long time; as I said it targeted people close to Daphne. And as an example of what’s on the blog have included 4 posts. It’s a..is a serials or rather it’s a serials of 4 posts from 28th March to 31st March 2010, the same month the blog was setup. They begin with a post addressed to Vladimir. And I am not going to repeat it because its consider the profanity, but it repeat the source of the website; and then there is a blog post which Daphne had published in reply, and then something which the Taste Your Own Medicine reply published, and Daphne’s replied to that as well.
In some this was revelatory to us because for many months if not years, we had heard innuendos about Mount Etna, and you know, there was a.. wink- wink toned to all the comments we would see published in various locations including columns in newspapers and so on. And what taste your medicine did was revealed the big secret which was it suppose the second family that my father has in Sicily; which was observed. He does have family in Sicily. There are his cousins. The people with whom he was seen in Sicily were his wife and daughters. And the young woman he was seeing with who also had children was how was my sister my.. our nieces at the time. But of course this was considered legitimate criticism in the view; and the aim was to put pressure on
Daphne to stop her writing. It repeated throughout the website – you stop, we stop; and so on.
All the documents are compiled here itself explanationing, including the registered information. There were by …. as I said who will still gives access to the actual website.
Judge J Said Pullicino :
And yourself continued up to the time of her death?
The Witness :
No. In the earlier testimony we had shown that this blog stopped when Glen Bedingfield… around the time Glen Bedingfield’s blog started.
Judge J Said Pullicino :
That means after the time the Panama Papers were published?
Judge A Lofaro :
No, before.
The Witness :
No no.
Judge J Said Pullicino :
The Witness :
Glen Bedingfield’s blog began in 2016. This remains online for a while but it.. you know, the activity on the blog taken off towards the end. And then Glen Bedingfield’s blog started up. This began in 2010, early March.
Judge J Said Pullicino :
Because we have to distinguish what happened before and ..
The Witness :
Yes. And this was before Daphne was killed….
Judge J Said Pullicino :
It was still ….. but ..
The Witness :
This was before in 2013 election. I was seen as a propaganda. And it was.. you know, it was very … at times because other people were drawn in who.., you
know, I mean everybody mention the blog mention unfairly, but when people drawn in simply because that were seemed to be connected to Daphne.
Judge J Said Pullicino :
But the context of our Inquiry might be not that relevant
The Witness :
Possible no….
Judge J Said Pullicino :
I mean as a background the general way ….
The Witness :
Yes. But it does relate to what Dr Sammut spoke about..
Judge J Said Pullicino :
Yes as well.
The Witness :
Because the timing fits in. I wasn’t aware that his father had died in 2011 and that is was such a narrow time window; but March 2010 it is went it began. And it continued after the election as well.
Judge A Lofaro :
Thank you.
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